Weekly Wrap-Up

Hello crew! Welcome to July! Here’s what happened in the Our Flag Means Death fandom this past week…

June 26

Max’s Polish account gave a shoutout to “Nasza Bandera Znaczy Śmierć” (Our Flag Means Death)! Lots of posts lately from non-US accounts about OFMD, we love to see it.

We heard from OFMD writer Zadry Ferrer-Geddes!

June 28

And another Max account…

But the big news of the day was VFX company ReDefine posting that their work on S2 (and perhaps S2 generally??) was done! This is the first official announcement about S2 since David Jenkins wrapped filming in December!

45 minutes after that announcement, Max posted about OFMD for the second time this year (the first post was for Flag Day, two weeks prior). Something is definitely afoot.

June 29

David Jenkins had coffee with Officer Wellington (Michael Crane) and “Sailor #1” (Luke Marinkovich), and we got some new S1 BTS as well!

We heard from a fan who met Matthew Maher (they have a selfie with him also in that thread) who supposedly said that S2 is premiering in the fall. We seem to be hearing “fall” from a few different places – David Jenkins said “October” at the WGA strike, plus there’s that huge lineup of cast at New York Comic Con in October. The pieces are beginning to fit together…

June 30

Vico did an interview with Australia’s ABC Radio National – likely in anticipation of their attendance of Metro Comic Con in Melbourne this coming weekend! – about OFMD, and they did offer some tantalizing clues about S2! Check under the accordion if you’d like to read.

⚠️ Mild S2 Info ⚠️

The S2 stuff is about 20 minutes into the show. They talked about the specific kind of humor that New Zealand has, and how kind Vico thinks Kiwis are, and Vico says, “I gotta say, the second season is real intense. I can’t say a lot, but it’s real intense. If anything, being in New Zealand softened the intensity in which the second season comes in with.” Then they began talking about how Jim’s going to get out of their situation at the end of S1, and Vico says, “I don’t know how much I can say about getting out of a situation, but I feel like, internally, Jim starts to have a” Vico stops to reassess what they’re going to say, and restarts, “How Jim ends in S1 is drastically different from how Jim starts S2.” One of the interviewers mentions character growth, and Vico says, “Yeah, it’s like a 180 for sure.”

Florida Supercon (aka “Canyon Con” aka “Con Con”) also kicked off! We started this thread for highlights of the convention:

July 1

Twitter had a small breakdown, but we still managed to keep tabs on things. Max confirmed their new July content, and as we expected, OFMD is not among the shows listed.

July 2

Supercon’s cast panel with Kristian, Nathan, and Con happened this Sunday! Popverse will be releasing their recording to subscribers “in July and August.” However, a kind fan recorded the entire thing on Instagram here, clips of questions from someone else are available here, and a transcription thread is also available here! The big announcement of the day was that Con is going public with being part of the queer community (no label as of yet)! Congrats to Con. 🥰

Adding one more piece to the puzzle, we got another confirmation that S2 post-production is complete. It’s coming, y’all…

Other Things This Week:

  • June 25: “Sailing the Rainbow Sea,” an OFMD mini pride zine by Twitter user @rysiutokwiat is available to purchase now.
  • June 27: Taika joined Taika Coffee as Chief Creative Officer. You can watch his (very Taika-y) announcement about it here.
  • June 28: No OFMD content will be at San Diego Comic Con, but there will be an OFMD meetup!
  • June 30: A Twitter user found Vico while watching Lucifer!
  • June 30: A Twitter user is selling “Our Flag Means Trans Rights” t-shirts to benefit an Orlando LGBTQ+ organization.
  • June 30: OFMD-themed eyeshadow palettes are on sale again!
  • July 1: Burlesque show “Our Flag Means Pride” tickets are on sale!
  • July 2: Applications are open for “Tying the Knot,” a matelotage-themed OFMD zine.

So, some really great stuff this week. We love to see the pieces of the puzzle fall in place. Hopefully the following weeks will bring some more official announcements.

Until then, be excellent to each other.