Weekly Wrap-Up

Hello crew. How are you? If you’re feeling post-finale drop, that’s absolutely normal. And if you’re upset about a certain moment in the finale, you have lots of company. Please take care of yourselves, talk to people about your feelings, and utilize a hotline if you need to. Continue reading

Weekly Wrap-Up

Hello, hello! Welcome to another Sunday wrap-up. Let’s walk you through fandom news from the past week!

⚠️ Please note that we are not hiding any content featuring scenes from episodes 1-7. We will continue to hide content from the finale under spoiler accordions. ⚠️

October 15

We checked on a whim and noticed that OFMD S2’s “Tomatometer” score had gone up! Continue reading

Weekly Wrap-Up

Happy middle of October, crew! We’re halfway through the month, and more than halfway through S2 – it feels a bit bittersweet. Lots of amazing stuff this week, including New York Comic Con (NYCC)! We had a bunch more interviews this week too, which are listed out at the end of this post. Continue reading

Weekly Wrap-Up

Hello, crew! Welcome to life after the S2 premiere! Feels good right? (Or… maybe not. Those episodes were pretty intense. If the darkness of S2 brought up some things in you, that’s okay. If you need help, please reach out to a hotline or someone you love.)

We had a lot of stuff this week – lots of behind-the-scenes (BTS) posts, lots and lots of interviews, and even more articles. Continue reading

Weekly Wrap-Up

Here we go, everyone! It’s the last weekend before S2! Activity has been seriously ramping up from all corners – let’s catch you up on everything!

September 19

We got a surprise promo image of Stede from entertainment site The Screamr!

⚠️ S2 Promo Image ⚠️

An unwatermarked version can be found in this thread, or in our gallery here.

Continue reading
